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Silvia Fraticelli, quality office: «Human resources and technologies, the fulcrum of product optimization»

Silvia Fraticelli, quality office: «Human resources and technologies, the fulcrum of product optimization»

Certifications, patent management and scrupulous controls: everything you need to know about quality management in Soema, from the voice of the manager.

Fraticelli, can you describe what activities you perform as the quality office?

“They are different. Specifically, I deal with:

  • Management of system and product certifications;
  • Management of customer complaints and non-compliance;
  • Management of construction site safety documentation;
  • Patent and trademark management;
  • Management of portals and tenders;
  • Organization of employee training, managed together with the prevention and protection service manager (RSPP);
  • Environmental management”.

What criteria does quality in Soema’s corporate culture meet?

“The criteria are those of human resources, the necessary technologies and the involvement of everyone towards improving the quality of the product and service offered.

A further important factor is that of monitoring the effectiveness and efficiency of processes, through the analysis of data and their performance”.

How does the quality office contribute to improving company products and services and, therefore, increasing customer satisfaction?

“With a more timely management and control of complaints about non-conformities found – both internal and external – so as to be able to analyze them and deal with them in the best possible way”.

How does technology intervene in improving the quality of production processes?

“Technology has a major impact on the various production processes, both from the design of a project to its production. It affects both greater precision in production and the reduction of processing times”.

What are the strategic objectives for the near future?

“Definitely a continuous improvement of all the interested parties and of the management of the various areas, to increase the satisfaction of the final customer”.

20 Feb 2024 | Interviews